
We are committed to be the world leaders in eco-friendly technologically advanced specialty papers


Paper, in its various forms and applications always had a key role in the development of modern society. It has revolutionized the communication, packaging and distribution of products and has indeed played a key role in evolution of many cultures.

The Paper products business, which came to the company and has roots going back to over 100 years at Bombay Presidency and Mundhwa in Western India where its Mills were founded in the 19th century.

The renewed start began with the manufacturing unit established at Pune in the year 1964. The objectives were clearly defined through the choice of products so as to add value in terms of meeting specific requirements of users. Pioneering with a humble beginning through offering specialty paper products like Glassine and Greaseproof Papers for packaging applications, the Group has grown over the years to expand the products offering through range of special papers and soft tissues. Today, the Company is proud to have an installed capacity of over 72,000 Tonnes per annum (TPA) that represents a full range of high quality specialty paper manufacturing in the country from a single location.

The Company has diversified into several activities from manufacturing of Specialty Papers to Converted hygiene Tissue products and FMCG products.

The Company has received certificates such as ISO 14001:2008, ISO 22000, FSC®c114394 meeting requirements of the Chain of Custody as also Green Seal Certification for its Hygiene operations for conversion of Soft Tissue, as the first Company in Asia to achieve the same.

Quality Assurance

    ISOISO Certification covers various aspects of Quality and Environmental Management.

    ISO 9001, SO 14001, ISO45001 Certificate

    ISO 22000 Certificate

    FDAUS Foods and Drugs Administration (FDA) Certificate are a global benchmark for wide range of items for Food and Medical application including Drugs and Medical appliances.

    FDA Certificate 

    certified company verifies its products through the production chain by complying all the standards applicable with certification licence code C114394.
